We are a new company with the head office located in the United Kingdom with offices in Pakistan, USA and Canada. Our staff has been in telecommunications for over 20 years and are highly trained, working hard to give you the best quality possible.

Born from the idea of the fast growth in society and ever revolving new technology in the 21st century, we wanted to make a product that gave everyone at least one less worry. Our aim was to build a product that was catered to your cosmopolitan lifestyles and was easily accessible to use anywhere on the go without any hassle.

Keeping in touch with our loved ones without any time restriction was our main motto and why CALL ASAP was invented.

Most people when making international calls are constantly staring at the clock to check how many minutes they have remaining. Tick Tock Tick Tock..Well it was time to put a stop to that.

We at CALL ASAP wanted to establish just that service to bring people closer with a peace of mind, so that they could talk while watching their favourite TV show and not the clock.

We know how important it is to talk and stay connected, sometimes you just want to know what the latest football scores are from your uncle Tony in Spain or even asking your mum in India how much spice you need to put in your curry. What ever your reason to call is there should be no worry on how much it's costing you. It was as simple as that, we all love to talk but hate having to stop!

Keeping that in mind our highly skilled technicians were on the job, and just like that Eureka moment! CALL ASAP was born giving you unlimited calls anywhere, anytime!